- Thursday, March 26, 2020
- 5:30 PM 7:00 PM
- Georgetown University3520 Prospect Street Northwest, Car Barn 318Washington, DC, 20007United States (map)
- Google Calendar ICS
Networking with Confidence!
Everybody dreads networking. Some folks are introverts who would rather die (or stay home and read in quiet) than go to a networking event. Others see it as forced and fake interactions where everybody’s got an angle.
Forget what you know about networking. We’re going to take a new approach and simply make friends. You know, professional friends… which in the end, if you love what you do, become real friends.
Personal narratives can be powerful however they take practice and can be intimidating. We’re simply going to have some coffee talk while learning not to punch ourselves in the face… you’ll see what I mean.
Please join us; this will be a fun, engaging, and informal workshop (come as you are)! Coffee and light snacks will be provided!
Taught by Caitlin Bowers